
What Is Masternode Income?

3 years ago

Masternode income refers to the staking rewards you earn by running an Elitium masternode. Elitium masternodes offer up to 25% masternode rewards each year, paid directly into the masternode operator’s staking wallet.

Why Do Crypto Masternodes Offer More Rewards?

Crypto masternodes offer more rewards because each masternode hosts a full copy of the blockchain in real-time alongside a full copy of the ledger, allowing the masternode to feed a secondary-level of services and facilitate more advanced functions, like carrying out specific tasks related to block validation, on a blockchain.]

Due to their singularity, masternodes are limited in number. And their specific, valuable features — coupled with the role they play — mean that owners get higher staking rewards in relation to the standard staking program.

If you’re interested in investing in a masternode, it’s easy to get started.

How To Invest In Masternodes?

You can request to run an Elitium masternode by depositing 100,000 EUM into your dashboard wallet. Then, contacting the Elitium team. If there’s a masternode available (there are just 18 on offer at any one time), the Elitium Partners team will set up the masternode on your behalf.

For full details on how to set up a masternode and to learn everything about how masternode income works, please refer to the Elitium masternodes page.