
This Is How You Earn Rewards On Crypto!

3 years ago

Staking coins offer a way to earn rewards on crypto in return for holding a balance of funds in a designated staking wallet. The funds you keep in your cryptocurrency staking wallet help power a network, which is why cryptocurrencies are willing to reward users for staking their networks.

How to earn rewards on crypto?

Typically, participants can expect staking rewards of around 5% per year, although different networks will offer different levels of rewards, dependent on staking requirements. However, there are ways to get higher staking rewards if you’re willing to invest more in your staking balance upfront.

How to invest in masternodes and earn 25% rewards on crypto?

You could get up to 25% rewards on crypto by operating a masternode.

A masternode is a powerful, dedicated, and secure server. Masternodes require a cryptocurrency deposit — called collateral — to run. And the collateral allows the masternode to become a trusted third-party within a blockchain network.

For example, if you operate a masternode for Elitium, you can expect up to 25% annual rewards, distributed on a monthly cycle. To operate an Elitium masternode, you must invest 100,000 EUM in a staking wallet and notify the Elitium team of your deposit — the secure setup team will then set up a masternode on your behalf.

Once up-and-running, you can expect to get:

  1. Average rewards of 480 EUM per week
  2. Average rewards of 2,080 EUM per month
  3. Up to 25,000 EUM per year

In essence, masternodes are a simpler alternative to crypto-mining as they require minimal hardware and next-to-no technical know-how, assuming you invest in a masternode for a blockchain such as Elitium.

Get up to 25% rewards on your crypto — request to run an Elitium masternode.