Our Brand New Onboarding Flow Is Now Complete.

Elitium’s mission is to bridge traditional finance and the blockchain.

That’s a lot easier said than done. To get close to making it possible, we must eliminate as many barriers as possible to help old-world investors explore crypto.

But today, we’ve taken a significant step forward. Having recently finished a brand new onboarding flow for our wealth management platform, we’re now in the final stages of testing it. And we believe it does exactly what we need.

In our mind, the flow matches the simplicity of any top-rated financial platform — banking, crypto, or otherwise — and we can’t wait for you to see it.

Given our mission, this simple entry point will be vital to our success. 

To help us deliver an experience that investors like you expect, the platform will initially open exclusively to a select group of clients. Applications of invitees will be processed within 48 hours with instant KYC verification.

Join the queue for smarter wealth management: contact the team to get on the waiting list.

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