How To Get Up To 6.5% EUM Rewards On Bitmart?

Elitium offers one of the most straightforward staking programs in crypto. Once you have a balance of EUM, you can start staking in your Elitium dashboard in one click.

In July 2020, we extended this simplicity to more users.

We partnered with the premier digital asset platform BitMart to offer EUM staking through the crypto exchange. Traders can now get up to 6.5% rewards on BitMartjust for holding a balance of EUM in their BitMart wallet.

Want to see how it works?

Read on.

Get EUM Staking Rewards On BitMart

All you need to get EUM staking rewards is a BitMart account and a balance of EUM. If you don’t have a BitMart account, follow the three quick steps below:

  1. Click this link to open a BitMart account
  2. Buy EUM using BTC or ETH
  3. Hold EUM in your BitMart account

It really is that simple.

BitMart stakes your EUM automatically, takes a snapshot of all EUM balances, and then calculates your staking rewards at the end of each month.

On the 9th of each month, you’ll see the last month’s rewards land in your account.

Fuss-free EUM Staking On BitMart

There’s nothing more to it. 

As long as you hold at least 10 EUM on your account, you’ll be eligible for the staking rewards. While there’s no lock-up period, we suggest keeping a balance for at least one month to maximize what you get.

And there you have it — you can now trade and stake, all in the same place.

Get up to 6.5% EUM rewards on BitMart: open an account today.

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