
Why should I stake Elitium?

3 years ago

Cryptocurrency staking gives users an avenue to participate directly in the consensus and governance of a blockchain (but most staking systems require extensive technical know-how).

On the contrary, Elitium’s Staking Program eliminates the need for any technical knowledge while offering 6.5% staking rewards, marking it out as one of the easiest on-ramps into crypto on the market today — and there are several other reasons you should stake a balance of staking coin EUM.

Earn rewards on crypto

If you stake EUM, you can earn rewards on crypto alongside several other benefits:

  • Diversify your cryptocurrency portfolio
  • Earn 6.5% staking rewards per year on your staked balance
  • Buy and book in the Elitium ecosystem without ever topping up your balance
  • Help Elitium grow and be part of the Blockchain Revolution!

Learn more about cryptocurrency staking: check out the Elitium Staking program.